VBS Bug Spray

VBS Bug Spray

Scent: Vanilla Bug Spray
Sale price$10.99


Vanilla Bug Spray is a product that works for the entire family. It contains no harsh chemicals and is safe on children and pets. It is the perfect addition to any outdoor activity.

Being outdoors is so important to many families and especially to mine. We were tired of harsh chemicals and stinky bug sprays. So, here we are. I originally had the plan to create something for my granddaughters so they could play outside without worrying about bug bites.

You've all heard the story of Ivory Soap? It wasn't supposed to float, that was a mistake! I can't really call my spray a mistake but I had no idea what it was going to turn out to be. I thought I'd try selling my spray in my craft store the following year. I made a small sign, put it in the window and I sold out in 3 days! Word was spreading and people wanted more. Their friends wanted it, their families wanted it and they were coming from other towns!

With all the demand we had in 2009, we decided that growing was unavoidable. So we staffed up, increased production and hit the road. We started to stock local stores with our product, from restaurants to golf courses and bait shops. With the help of the internet our product has reached nationwide status. We're proudly able to say we've sold to happy customers in over 23 states!

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